Thursday, February 26, 2009

a cute seddie moment and NEW iCarly movie! :P

Hello, peoples!!!! :P So I was looking at the pics with Fred on iCarly on, and I saw a REALLY cute seddie moment. (You all know how much I LOVE seddie)

Here's the pic: (it's up there!)

Ok, so as you can see, FREDDIE AND SAM ARE RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!! AND they are putting their arms around each other!!!! AWWWWWW!!!!!!


P.S. There is a new iCarly movie coming out Saturday, March 7th, 2009!!!!! I will find the description and put it on as soon as I can!!!!!!


e-mail me your questions about iCarly!!! I only need 3 or more!!!!!!!!

OR put it in the comments box with your name, age, and state!!!!! :)

P.P.P.S. I am really into this emotion: xD! I love it!!!! :P

Friday, February 13, 2009

Article about Fred being on iCarly

Hello. I was searching something up for school and on the website for the Los Angelos Paper I found this:

Fred is going to be on "iCarly!" This is awesome! Seriously! I don't even know if I'm being sarcastic! In a colossal meeting of tween titans, old media and new, the Little King of YouTube will appear Feb. 16 on one of the nation's most popular kid shows. Nickelodeon's "iCarly" routinely places among cable's highest-rated shows, generating between 3 million and 6 million viewers. And Fred, owner of the No. 1 most subscribed-to channel in YouTube's history, nets between 3 million and 5 million views for every video he releases. (It should be said that "views" is a much fuzzier and dubious metric than "viewers," but let's not sweat the small stuff.)

This is, in one YouTube watcher's humble opinion, the biggest gap-jump yet by an online video star. If you'd like to dismiss it by saying, well yeah, but this is the kiddie tween world, and so that's a kid-size gap jump -- then let me just remind you of a couple of kid-size hits. As much as grown-ups like to sniff and scoff and wrinkle brow (e.g. Why do kids think Fred is funny?), the answer is, it doesn't matter what the answer is -- kids rule the world.

As such, the people at "iCarly" are giving Fred a king's welcome. Not only have they jazzed up their homepage with dancing photos of Fred -- played by Lucas Cruickshank -- in anticipation, but they also signed up "iCarly" costar Jennette McCurdy to record an eight-minute YouTube video about it from her dressing room. The video is one long ad-lib in which McCurdy, clearly a talented improvisor, declares her Fred fanhood, then gives viewers a curated tour of the photos of hunky guys on her wall.

Fred, who has potential to make tens of thousands of dollars a month from YouTube ad revenue, hasn't put out a video since November. Is he making a big boy bet that the real money is on TV?

-- David Sarno

Tell anyone you know that watches iCarly about Fred on iCarly Monday, FREDuary (or February if you want to say it the boring way) 16, 2009 @ 7:30 PM, followed by the premiere of Spectacular!



P.S. I need 3 more questions ANYTHING iCarly. The cast, writers, show, characters, or anything else you want to ask.

post your questions in the comments

put your question, age, name, and state you live in.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Hey, guys!!!!!! If you have seen lately, you would know that FRED IS GONNA BE ON ICARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here is the description:

When Freddie declares his dislike of Internet sensation Fred, sensitive Fred stops making videos, causing Freddie to feel the wrath of upset fans. Elsewhere, Spencer consults a "magic" meatball when making decisions.

By the way................................ GO TO TINAPAGE.BLOGSPOT.COM!!!!!!!!!
It's like THE AWESOMEST PERSON WITH ANGER ISSUES EVER!!!!!!!!! (well, next to Fred)

jennette mccurdy (Sam)gives out her addiction to FRED!


and check out her blog @! she makes a new blog EVERY monday!!!!

Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ASK questions!!!! I need 4 more!!!!!!


iCarly Q and A segment coming up!!!

Hey, guys!!! Sami here! :) I am doing an iCarly question and answers segment in a couple weeks. So go to my website (which you are on right now) and in the comments box, put the question. ANYTHING about iCarly, or the cast of iCarly. OR you could e-mail me at with the subject "iCarly Q and A". I will not store your e-mail unless you give me permission to. Just say this in the e-mail:

Hi, my name is _________________________
insert first name here

and I am from ________________________. Here is my question(s):
insert state here

insert question(s) here.

My goal is to get AT LEAST (which means or more) 5 questions. So ask your grandparents, your grandparent's grandparents, your moms, dad, hobos, your friends, and/or people that LOVE iCarly!!!!!!

seeya later, alligators!!!

-Sami :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

NEW game on

Hey, guys!!!!!!! Here's a new game on iCarly. It's called Dip Ms. Briggs. It's a memory game.

The new episode with David Archuleta is tonight (February 7) At 8 pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) If you want to spoil the episode (which you probably don't want to.) go to They have all the stuff!!!!! Bye.

-Sami :)