Saturday, October 17, 2009

A lesson from watching TV!

Hey guys! It's Sami! Okay, first off, there's a new iCarly called iHave my principals tonight at 8. And guess who's back? Highlight between the Xs to find out!
x Ms. Briggs and Mr. Howard! D: x

Principal Franklin gets fired, so Ms. Briggs and Mr. Howard are in charge of the school!!! :0
Here's the promo:

I can't wait for tonight!! :D
Anyways, did you guys know that if you pay REALLY close attention to TV, you can learn stuff! (And I'm NOT talking about stuff about the characters. I'm talking about educational stuff!)
So the next time your parents ban you from TV, tell them, "TV shows I love can be really educational!"

Here are some examples:
In Total Drama Island/Action, I learned what Immunity means. They have said stuff like, "Courtney won immunity" or "Harold has immunity for the rest of the day!" and stuff like that. And, in the 1st episode, I learned what supercilious (SU-PER-CRE-JU-LESS) means. I think it means Awesome.
In iCarly, in the episode, iNevel, I learned the word "Rue." And then, after I watched it, I searched it up, and it's a word the British used in the 1900s.

yaaaaa, cant think of anything else.....
I'm gonna watch TDI now....
