Tuesday, January 19, 2010

iSaved your life review, Upcoming Episodes, and Twitter.

Hey guys, It's Sami :) Sooo, I haven't posted in a while, so I thought I should now. Soooo, I saw iSaved your life, and I loved it, but the Creddie kisses made my eyes BURN!!!! D: I had to shield my eyes for those parts. But, my fave part was the "Foreign Bacon", and the break-up scene. So, Freddie has gotten what he has always dreamed of: being Carly's boyfriend (but it was only a couple days. HAHA!) and a kiss from her. So, until Sam told him about that "bacon" thing, Freddie liked Carly. Freddie breaking up with Carly was his little way of saying, "Carly, I'm not in love with you, I'm in love with Sam!" So, I hope thats the end of Creddie :) And they showed something for iEnrage Gibby on that valentines thing. It looks interesting. :) I can't wait to see it.... In Febuary :( And iWas a pagent girl airs I think January 29th. I really hope seddie happens in THAT episode. :) That would be AWESOME :) So last week was Dan's 43rd birthday. Happy birthday, Dan :) And I have a twitter and a youtube, in case you never knew.
Twitter: www.twitter.com/theseddiefairy
back-up: www.twitter.com/mebesamio

YouTube: www.youtube.com/samigrl1234
Back-up: www.youtube.com/theseddiefairy

And I wanna say hey to @Seddie_OwlCity on twitter, aka Katie. :) Hey, Katie :)
Bye! :) For now.
-Sami <3


  1. Hiya back! Great review! You werent the only one who sheiled your eyes xP


  2. That didnt happen he doesnt love sam. He probably tried that bacon =P

  3. Great to read iCarly info you have here. I love to to catch up what ever i missed.

    Did you see this iCarly page with loads of cool iCarly merchandise http://thlog.com/tag/icarly/

    Keep up the great work :)
