Friday, April 10, 2009

Just a quick reminder...

Heyy. It's kinda late to tell you this, but, Saturday April 11 at 8 pm is the NEW iCarly where Sam gets girly. SPOILER! SPOILER! SPOILER! SPOILER!

Thank you, iCarlyFan616 for the description!!! Check out her youtube at! Her videos are AWESOME! But it's okay if you don't understand her accent. She's scottish. If you'd rather watch what she says, here it is:

Anyways, if you'd rather READ what she said, go ahead.

Sam will have a sorta birthday party and all of her friends will say a toast to her, including Freddie. Oh, and Gibby too. But instead of making her feel good, it makes her feel guilty cos' she's totally not girly at all and they only highlighted all the "bad" things that she's done to them. Lol.
Freddie considers Sam and Him as really close friends.
The name of the guy that Sam's crushing on is Marsh .
He attended Sam's birthday party and completely treated her like a dude/guy pal. Poor Sammy.
Sam will walk away from a bully named Sue who insulted her and ripped her dress cos' Sam's trying her best to be more girly.
However, when Carly got attacked, Sam started defending her and reverted back to her old self.
Thus far, there will be small Seddie exchanges, but very minor.

I was watching her videos and a saw a really cool one of how Freddie gets closer to Sam on iNevel. Here is the link:


I am a creddie hater, but that doesn't mean I'm NOT gonna tell you the latest scoop on JUST seddie. I'll give y'all stuff with Creddie, too. (and, I'm NOT country. I just wanted to say y'all. no offense to tennessers and Texans or anyone else with a country accent.)

Yeah.... About the title....... That wasn't quick, so, sorry.
Gotta go! Bye!

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